
Karpathos villages

Avlona village in Karpathos Greece

The agricultural village of Avlona in Karpathos is one of the most northern villages, located on the western slopes of a bare mountains. The nearest villages to Avlona are Diafani (7,5 km) and Olymbos (6 km), while Pigadia (Karpathos town) is about 48 kilometers away.

At first sight Avlona (Αυλώνα) looks like a deserted small settlement from the western movies, but this village is located in a fertile valley of Karpathos island. In the spring the vegetation of agricultural plants is quite lush here, but during the summer months the plants dry out, the crop is harvested and just neglected gardens remains here.

In the area of Avlona there were more than 250 farmhouses, where the locals primarily produced wheat and barley. In the old times those grains were taken to the windmills of Olymbos where were milled into flour.

View to Avlona village in Karpathos Island

Where is Avlona in Karpathos?

Avlona can be accessed from the asphalted road, which leads between Olymbos and Diafani villages to here. This village is the place where the asphalt roads end in Karpathos, because from the north side of Avlona there can be find just a few dirt roads and hiking trails to the most northern areas, to Vrikounda (Ancient Tombs Vroukounta) or to Tristomo (Τρίστομο).

Sights, attractions in Avlona Karpathos

What you should know before visiting Avlona village

Most of the people in Avlona are still engaged on agriculture, because tourism is not significant here at all. Its populaton is only 7 (2011 census), which increases slighty during the agricultural works. Avlona is situated far from the popular tourist settlements in Karpathos, and it is also avoided by the most popular routes.

The village looks like often an abandoned place with wild scenery, but that makes it unique: it is mentioned often as a north pantry of Karpathos island and very important for the people due its agriculture.

Avlona Karpathos photos

The village has a small family tavern, called ‘Taverna Avlona Ταβέρνα Αυλώνα’, which can be find next to the main road of the village.

If you are ready for a long hiking in this area, in the north you will find a dirt road and footpath to the ancient ruins and caves of Vrikounda (Ancient Tombs Vroukounta, Vrykous) and to the small bay of Tristomo (Τρίστομο).

Why visit Avlona

In Avlona village wild landscapes meets calm atmospheres in Karpathos island, where visitors have usually ‘at the end of the world’ feeling. This is the northernmost village in Karpathos, from where a hiking trail leads ruins of Vrikounda and Tristomo. In the area archeologists find some ancient vessels dated 3 thousands years ago, which were discovered accidentally by a road construction.

Avlona Karpathos Greece

Where to stay

Avlona is not a typical village for tourists, and offers not much apartments, but in the area there are a couple of accommodation. If you are looking for apartments or studios in this area, just take a look to the accommodation options in Diafani or Olymbos, which are much more recommended.

Check the apartments, rooms in Diafani (opens in new window)

Click here to find apartments in traditional Olymbos village (opens in new window)

Karpathos Greece apartments hotels

Avlona additional info

Αυλώνα 857 00 Greece