Copyright copyright policy

We spend a lot of time to bring you informations and photos, and we had a lot a work with it. Please respect our work and follow the copyright policy of The copyright policy must be followed by visitors of the website, with no exception.

The content of is protected by the law.

  • The text content of website, including the unique text, phrases, sentences and paragraphs are copyrighted, and belong to
  • All of the watermarked photos and images are copyrighted, and belong to

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents, including watermarked images in any form is strictly prohibited!

Removing the watermarks is strictly forbidden!

If legal conditions are violated, the staff of is entitled to initiate legal proceedings. Depending on the degree of infringement we can claim compansation, which can be up to 25.000 Euros. We prove our rights with the original server datas, photo datas and metadatas, system administrator certification and logs.

Other websites, travel pages, info guides, travel guides, tour operators, private persons or legal entities can not distribute, copy, or commercially exploit the photos and the phrases and sentences of

Claim for images when removing watermark: 50 Euro / photo
Claim for copying sentence: 20 Euro / sentence

We prove all the infringements in a Court of Law of EU and / or in the Court of Law the violators country and we insist on fair compensation.

All rights reserved,

If you have a question about copyright, feel free to ask: