Taxi service in Karpathos island is one of the significant elements in public transport.
The main taxi station of Karpathos is located in Pigadia, where taxis can be find, but there is a central telephone number to call a taxi in Karpathos.
Karpathos taxis have fixed prices, and also can be used for private tours for discovering the island if you want to avoid car rental or public bus transport. It’s worth to know that despite the fixed prices taxi fares are significantly higher than public bus transport, but offer much comfortable solution, it’s your choice.
Karpathos taxi phone number
If you would like to call a taxi in Karpathos, just call the central number of taxi station.
The operator will ask your actual location, so if you are waiting for taxi in your hotel or apartments, just say the name of the accommodation, and the number of passengers.
Karpathos taxi station phone number: +30 22 450 22 705
Taxis of Karpathos can be used also for transfer between Karpathos Airport and your accommodation. During summer season when charters and domestic flights arrive to Karpathos island more frequent, usually in front of the airport of Karpathos there can be find some taxis.

It’s worth to know that in Karpathos island there are just a few taxis, and usually most of these are located in Pigadia, so if you would like to call a taxi in Arkasa, Lefkos, Olymbos or in other villages, it could happen that near can’t be find.
Where to find a taxi station in Karpathos
The location of the taxi station in Karpathos island is located near the outer port of Pigadia, just a minute walk from the Eparchio (Town Hall).
Coordinates: 35.507788, 27.210496
Have a safe trip by Karpathos island taxis!