Karpathos island informations

Karpathos Greece travel guide information

Informations about Karpathos island, which are important to know before travelling in 2025! Where is located Karpathos in Greece, what are the main features and highlights of this beautiful Greek island? Read the most important infos, which are always useful for everyone, who want to visit this hidden gem. Karpathos ...

Karpathos weather 2025

Karpathos weather

Karpathos weather information with detailed description for 2025 holidays! What’s the weather like and what are the best times for travel? This important article shows you many useful infos about Karpathos weather by months, including sea temperatures of the year. If you plan your holiday, the actual weather of Karpathos ...

Why visit Karpathos in 2025?

Visit Karpathos Greece

Why is this tiny Greek island, Karpathos (Κάρπαθος) one of the best destinations for a holiday in Greece? Why visit Karpathos in 2025, what are best things and highlights? Karpathos island is a very special place in Greece for many reasons, a great choice for several visitors. Let’s see the ...